October 2, 2009: Gizem Karaali (Pomona College) and Bruce Yoshiwara (Los Angeles Pierce College), both members of this wiki, have written a short introduction to Wolfram|Alpha for math educators that appears in this month's MAA Focus..
August 18, 2009: Gizem Karaali (Pomona College) and Bruce Yoshiwara (Los Angeles Pierce College), both members of this wiki, have posted a draft of an article about Wolfram|Alpha's impact on college math teaching.
July 31, 2009: Mathematical Association of America's president, David Bressoud, weighs in on Wolfram|Alpha's possible impact on teaching mathematics in his monthly Launchings column.
June 22, 2009: The Mathematical Association of America's "Math in the News" site has a post about the recent Wolfram|Alpha coverage: "New Search Engine WolframAlpha Has Mathematicians Hypothesizing."
June 16, 2009: The impact of Wolfram|Alpha on math education gets some coverage in the Wall Street Journal. Carl Bialik, "the Numbers Guy," writes about it in "Sum Help: Search Engine for Mathletes." Bialik offers some additional thoughts on his blog, too.
June 12, 2009: Jeff Young's Chronicle of Higher Education article on Wolfram|Alpha, "A Calculating Web Site Could Ignite a New Campus 'Math War,'" was posted today. Walpha Wiki contributors Maria Andersen and Derek Bruff were quoted, as was Stephen Wolfram himself. The article showed up on Slashdot, where there are currently 140 comments about it.
June 3, 2009: Robert Talbert has posted some thoughts on W|A's potential impact on math education on his Casting Out Nines blog. He makes some interesting points about the role of the AP exams as gatekeepers of calculator technology.
May 29, 2009: Maria Andersen has posted a very thoughtful analysis of the potential impact of Walpha on undergraduate math education on her blog.
May 29, 2009: Several math educators participated in an online discussion of the implications of Wolfram|Alpha on undergraduate math education on May 27, 2009. A summary of that discussion is now available.